Our Media Channels

To establish better communication between the organization and its body of the audience, the media entity of Renaissance Group is formed. 


http://www.duronto.tv/ Watch Video

Enlightening Children With Duronto Television

Duronto Television is a television channel focused on the development of children. It features entertaining topics on history, tradition and culture, science, and family, etc. Through Duronto Television, Renaissance Group bound a contract with UNICEF to enable a minute of free chunk to showcase the TVC – “Stop Child Marriage”. In association with the Institute of Pediatrics Neuro disorder and Autism (IPNA), the theme song for awareness on Autism was created.

Durant Television is an endeavor of Barind Media Limited, a company owned by the Renaissance family. This is the first time that Duronto Television has been added to the list of satellite television with a wealth of new ideas for the children and their families in Bangladesh.